Bat Guano Plagron, even though it is pure bat guano, is the most balanced fertilizer offered by nature. Bat Guano stimulates root formation and the biotic activity of the soil, promotes healthy growth and flowering and guarantees exceptional aroma and taste.
The term 'guano' derives from Peru, to distinguish unusable bird droppings from those rich in nutrients of cormorants, pelicans and other sea birds; bat guano is the most balanced fertilizer offered by nature.
Plagron's Bat Guano is found in caves in the advanced forests of Cuba, the Philippines and Indonesia, where bats do their business during night hunting. Since bats are found in the depths of the caves, the guano is protected from sunlight and wind and thus remains active for a longer time.
Plagron analyzes every batch of Bat Guano that arrives in the Netherlands before composing the final blend.
Each plant is very happy thanks to the presence of the countless amount of organic substances and the extremely high nitrogen and phosphorus content of Bat Guano (NPK 3-15-4), in addition the fertilizer contains molds and bacteria that protect the plant. All these elements favor not only strong root formation and fast growth, but also an exuberant flowering and therefore a high yield.
• Use from 600 up to 800 grams per 10 square meters of natural earth.
• In case plants are grown in pots, use 30 to 40 grams of product per 100 liters.
• Incorporate the Bat Guano with a rake into the surface layer and after fertilizing, water the soil for a faster effect.
• Bat Guano stimulates the formation of roots and the biotic activity of the soil, promotes healthy growth and flowering and guarantees an exceptional aroma and taste.
The term 'guano' derives from Peru, to distinguish unusable bird droppings from those rich in nutrients of cormorants, pelicans and other sea birds; bat guano is the most balanced fertilizer offered by nature.
Plagron's Bat Guano is found in caves in the advanced forests of Cuba, the Philippines and Indonesia, where bats do their business during night hunting. Since bats are found in the depths of the caves, the guano is protected from sunlight and wind and thus remains active for a longer time.
Plagron analyzes every batch of Bat Guano that arrives in the Netherlands before composing the final blend.
Each plant is very happy thanks to the presence of the countless amount of organic substances and the extremely high nitrogen and phosphorus content of Bat Guano (NPK 3-15-4), in addition the fertilizer contains molds and bacteria that protect the plant. All these elements favor not only strong root formation and fast growth, but also an exuberant flowering and therefore a high yield.
• Use from 600 up to 800 grams per 10 square meters of natural earth.
• In case plants are grown in pots, use 30 to 40 grams of product per 100 liters.
• Incorporate the Bat Guano with a rake into the surface layer and after fertilizing, water the soil for a faster effect.
• Bat Guano stimulates the formation of roots and the biotic activity of the soil, promotes healthy growth and flowering and guarantees an exceptional aroma and taste.
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