Alga Bloom by Plagron is a flowering fertilizer with 100% organic ingredients from natural algae, which will give you everything you need for your plants in the flowering phase, ideal for obtaining good organic buds.
Alga Bloom by Plagron is a Bio fertilizer for the flowering phase with 100% organic ingredients extracted from natural algae that will give your plants everything necessary in the flowering phase.
Some of the components of Alga Bloom are not completely soluble in water and it is not recommended to use in drip irrigation systems.
However, when growing in pots and in the soil, it achieves spectacular results. The flowers of your plants will appreciate the algae compounds that provide a very balanced diet. In addition to the macro-elements, it includes a multitude of complex molecules that accelerate the metabolism of plants. Being identical to those synthesized by our plants, they can incorporate them directly into their systems and dedicate the metabolic apparatus to produce dense, hard and highly perfumed flowers.
Alga Bloom is a base fertilizer for the flowering phase, which will provide your plants with the macro-nutrients and micro-elements necessary to carry out a complete flowering phase without having to add many more products. If we want a good fattening, we can apply Green Sensation to our plants in the flowering phase together with Alga Bloom. We can also add bat guano to our substrate to promote a good fattening of the buds. We will know that we will be producing the best productions with 100% organic products.
Dosage and instructions for use of Alga Bloom de Plagron:
Add 4ml per liter to the irrigation water during the flowering phase of our plants.
Repeat the application irrigation yes, irrigation no, until the end of the crop.
We will stop using it about 10 days before cutting our plants.
Composition of Alga Bloom de Plagron:
NPK 3-2-5
Beet flaxseed.
Seaweed extracts.
Amino acids.
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